FILE UPLOAD (online orals)

Welcome to AmeriDendro2022's file upload system. Please fill this quick survey to help us route your files to the right session. 

Deadline to upload your files: June 26

Identification of Presenter

Which session / symposium is this presentation programmed into?

Uploading your presentation on YouTube

All speakers who present online need to pre-record their presentation, upload it on YouTube, and share the YouTube link below.

YouTube makes it very easy to upload and share videos (see below). However, privacy settings for videos must not be set to "private", otherwise the organizing committee will not be able to access your video. Choose the "unlisted" or "public" privacy settings in Youtube.  In "Audience" DO NOT SELECT THAT THIS VIDEO IS "MADE FOR KIDS" (this adds undesirable protection for children privacy).


Upload section

Accepted formats for online orals

Pre-recorded presentations (12min max) 

YouTube links only

Make sure that privacy settings are either "public" or "unlisted". Otherwise, sharing is impossible.