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Hurtful memories in Buenos Aires: the Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado, Parque de la Memoria

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16:00, Thursday 5 Nov 2015 (30 minutes)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Centro de Convençoes
Trying to reflect on the issues that surround heritage and spectacularization, this communication takes as object of study the Monumento a las Víctimas del State Terrorismo, Parque de la Memoria, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This presentation is an excerpt from a scientific research related to the “hurtful memories” of Buenos Aires’s urban landscape, in which are investigated the conflicts inherent to the memory sites of the last military dictatorship in Argentina. Thus, the architectural monument Parque de la Memoria, built as a tribute to the “victims” of Argentina’s dictatorship, becomes exemplary in debates that include architecture, public place, monument, and the so-called “hurtful memories” nowadays.

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