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Explorations in the Preservation of Coal Mining Heritage Areas V

Regular session
11:00 AM, Mardi 30 Août 2022 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Lunch   12:30 PM à 01:30 PM (1 heure)

During the Industrial Revolution coal was the most important energy source for both homes and industries. At the time, coal mining created strong regional industrial identities and mentalities, as well as industrial images and imaginaries in the eyes and minds of external observers. Such identities and ideas of coal would go on to shape industrial landscapes and communities.

The papers presented in this session  investigate the social and economic changes that were triggered by transformations within the energy market and de-industrialization processes from international and comparative perspectives. Against this background the session will discuss strategies and concepts of (re)-valuation in former mining areas. The industrial heritage will be reconsidered in a broader sense, i.e. in the context of the specific post-industrial landscape and new cultural tourism.

Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM)
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM)
College of Charleston
Associate Professor

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