The Self-Determination of Education by the First Peoples: 50 Years After La Maîtrise indienne...
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Presenters : Jessie Lepage - Personne étudiante; Jo Anni Joncas - personne chercheuse
Institution : Université de Sherbrooke
In 1972, the Indian Brotherhood of Canada called for “an education system adapted to the needs and philosophy of Native peoples” (p. 3). Over the past 50 years, various initiatives have been launched to integrate First Nations perspectives into schools. But what do Indigenous leaders involved in education in Quebec think? This communication summarizes a discussion between Ghislain Picard, Michelle Audette and Prudence Hannis. They share their views on the integration of Indigenous knowledge, perspectives and cultural and identity dimensions in the province’s higher education institutions. The progress made in recent decades, the obstacles encountered and the initiatives they hope to see in the future will be presented through several points: the integration of Indigenous knowledge, educational decolonization, and the challenges encountered in post-secondary institutions.