Exercise of Kairos Canada Coverages by Uashashkutuan
My Session Status
Presenter: Kévin Bacon
- Facilitator of Indigenous cultural activities
Institution: Uashashkutuan
We offer an awareness workshop that fosters empathy and provides a deeper understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit history. The Uashashkutuan workers are bringing this experience to the fore to raise awareness of the history of the close to 500 years of cohabitation between the first inhabitants of Turtle Island—which we now call Canada—and the “newcomers”.
It will be conducted in two parts: the main activity, lasting a maximum of one hour, followed by a 15-minute break, then a sharing circle, formed by all the participants and led by a Uashashkutuan Elder and two other facilitators. The duration of this sharing circle can vary, depending on the number of registrations and the group’s dynamism, but is usually around two hours. The objective is to allow participants to share their feelings and experience during the main activity.