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Formation Grand Nord: An Encounter on the Territory

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11:15, Wednesday 6 Nov 2024 (45 minutes)
Diner - Mercredi 6 novembre   12:00 PM to 01:20 PM (1 hour 20 minutes)
- Room 510C

Presenters : Jeffrey Gladu, Marie-Eve Ducharme. 

 - Teaching staff 

Institution : Cegep Marie-Victorin 


The aim of our presentation is to showcase our inclusive pedagogical model for employed Indigenous adults, with a view to inspiring other educational institutions. Cégep Marie-Victorin offers 4 programs of study in two territories, Nunavik and Eeyou Istchee. These 4 programs are 3 college certificates (CEAs), CEAs in Communication and Support Relationships, CEAs in Human Resources Supervision and CEAs in Communication and Administration, and a college diploma (CED), DEC in Social Work Technology. During this presentation, we’ll be looking at the pedagogical practices developed by the Grand Nord team with the aim of training and guiding its participants towards success, as well as the deployment of training courses in the regions. We’ll be taking a closer look at the work-study formula we’ve chosen, namely the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).  

Here are some of the points covered during our presentation: 

  • Équipe Formations Grand Nord —who we are.
  • Territories served  
  • Candidate profile​ 
  • How we promote success and retention.  

o Vision and mission​ 

o The PLAR approach ​ 

o Educational choices​ 

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Sandra St-Laurent
49 other(s)

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