Kwe the University!: The Portal to Your University Study Project
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Presenters : Isabelle Savard, Marie-Eve Cleary
- Researchers
Institution : TELUQ
Our communication is a sharing of practice. It focuses on the educational and participatory design of the portal “Kwe l 'Université!” (Created by a team from the universities TÉLUQ, UQAC and UQAT), a project that includes remote propaedeutics. Before implementing this portal project, we conducted an analysis that enabled us to make several useful observations. For example, we found that many Indigenous students enter university after a break in their academic journey, sometimes for as long as five years. This situation implies that a number of these Indigenous people may have lost the skills necessary for further education. Therefore, the goal of the propaedeutics and portal “Kwe l ’Université! is to help those who plan to undertake university studies to develop these skills, remotely, without having to leave their community. Since internet access is not stable in all communities, we have prepared an online version of the courses and a “kit” version that can be mailed to a designated location.