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Using Journalism Education to Raise the Voices of Indigenous Youth

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13:30, Wednesday 6 Nov 2024 (45 minutes)
- Room 512DH

Personne présentatrice : Kristy Snell  

 - Teacher Researcher 

Institution : collaboration between Concordia University and Kahnawà Survival School 


This presentation focuses on journalism as a platform for Indigenous youth to share stories and knowledge about their communities, while introducing them to a potential career option.  

The KSS Newsroom Project is a collaboration between Concordia University’s Department of Journalism, Kahnawà:ke Survival School (KSS), and CBC, and sees my Concordia journalism students mentoring secondary students at KSS as they produce stories about their community. The aim is to empower young people to share their stories while introducing journalism as a potential career. The students’ collective output includes six digital stories featured on the CBC website, fourteen radio stories featured on CBC Radio, four video stories featured on CBC television, and an hour-long national radio special entitled, “Using our Voices”. It is still too early to know whether this will lead to any student entering journalism, but this project is about empowerment and planting the seeds of interest.

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