The Power of the Network to find your Path
My Session Status
Presenters : Nicolas Cardinal, Education Professional; Dan-Alexandre Mckenzie et Martin Bacon, Managers in Indigenous Organizations
Institution : Fédération des cégeps-CEPN-CREAC
The workshop aims to engage participants in action in connection with certain lines of thought suggested by the college network to “maintain dialogue, multiply opportunities to transcend these realities, create and maintain relationships with students, communities, and partners” and “offer a space for collaboration aimed at supporting network actors”.
Several initiatives have been developed within the college network, but it is struggling to pool, optimize, share and benefit from these initiatives. Through this workshop, the opportunity is offered to hear from actors from the communities who will briefly share their daily lives, and the challenges related to the realities of students. The workshop is geared towards sharing and spreading practices and wishes to reflect the challenges faced by First Nations students in the college network.
Open to all, the workshop is inclusive and aims to highlight the initiatives of students and college actors who value the voices of these students. Finally, the workshop also includes a discussion of existing issues, tools, and resources as well as a process for making concrete commitments by participants in mobilizing for change to support perseverance and success.