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Using Research to Improve Educational Services by and for Indigenous Peoples

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15:45, Wednesday 6 Nov 2024 (45 minutes)
- Room 512CG

Presenters : Audrey Pinsonnault, Program and Service Evaluation Advisor, Observatoire des réalités autochtones urbaines, RCAAQ; Manon Vicky Gauthier, Education, Youth and Grandchildren Advisor, RCAAQ; Sarah Fraser, Full Professor, école de psychoéducation, Université de Montréal; Héloïse Pelletier-Gagnon, PhD student in psychoeducation, Université de Montréal


Education, the transmission of knowledge and lifelong learning, are priorities for action within the Regroupement des Centres d 'amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ). This presentation aims to show how research and evaluation have supported the improvement of educational services offered in Quebec’s Native Friendship Centres for several years. 

Our presentation will include:

• A brief description of the RCAAQ’s educational strategy and some examples of educational services offered in friendship centres.

• The main positive impacts of recent research projects in education (evidence, cultural anchoring, Indigenous autonomy, strategic levers).

• The presentation of a current research collaboration between the RCAAQ and a research team from the Université de Montréal and the most relevant preliminary results of this research.

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