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Mobilizing Indigenous Perspectives in School Curricula: Postdoctoral Research

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15:45, Wednesday 6 Nov 2024 (45 minutes)
- Room 512DH

Presenters : Emmanuelle Aurousseau, UQAC; Christine Couture, UQAC; Julie Rock, UQTR; Jean-François Vachon, BRV 

 - Researchers

Institution: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


Based on postdoctoral research conducted as part of a concerted action on cultural safety (FRQSC, 2020–2024), we will present projects to include Indigenous perspectives in school curricula. From a literature review prioritizing Indigenous authors, we will share transfer tools on Indigenous pedagogy and knowledge. We will also provide testimonials from people working in Indigenous communities, highlighting the initiatives developed to integrate Indigenous perspectives and the barriers encountered along this path.

Finally, we will begin a collective reflection on educational programs by discussing concrete proposals for pedagogical practices inspired by the Indigenous point of view, in all school disciplines.

Who's Attending

Christine Couture
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Boutheina Harbaoui
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Julie Vaudrin-Charette
Direction des relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit (Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur)

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