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Nanako OTA

Seisen University

Nanako OTA is a Lecturer of the Department of English Language and Literature at Seisen University in Tokyo, Japan. A recipient of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, as well as an early career researcher specializing in a linguistic analytic framework for media history called Critical Discourse Studies, her dissertation examines radio programs that were broadcast under the US occupation forces in Occupied Japan.  Her publications include an article in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television entitled “The voiceful voiceless: Rethinking the inclusion of the public voice in radio interview programs in Occupied Japan” (2019) and Japanese Radio Broadcasting During the US Occupation and the “Opening of the Microphone to the Public” – Listening to the Controlling Voice, Discerning the Human-becoming Voice (2022) published by Keio University Press.