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Dates to remember

October 9, 3pm: Deadline for abstract submission
October 31: Result of the assigned presentation type (oral, flash, or poster)
November 20, 3pm: Deadline for sending your presentations (oral and flash)
November 22: CERMO-FC conference

Submission Guidelines

Call for abstracts is currently open until Wednesday October 9, 2024 (3:00 p.m.). Submission of abstracts is done online. Abstracts can be submitted in French or English. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.

Submit your abstract here

For an oral presentation request:
- limit of 2 students per laboratory is authorized.
- prioritization for students who did not present orally at the previous CERMO-FC annual conference.
Student oral presentations will be highlighted. Indeed, we will have the pleasure of inviting 12 students to present their research work. Additionally, abstracts that are not selected for an oral presentation will be eligible for a flash poster presentation (2 minutes to publicize their poster on stage). 
We therefore strongly encourage students to choose an oral presentation when submitting their abstracts.


Presentation instructions

Oral presentation

Oral presentations will last 10 minutes followed by a 3-minute question period.

  • Only PowerPoint or PDF formats will be accepted.
  • Please send your presentations to before November 20, 3:00 p.m.
  • The presentation and slides can be in French or English

Poster presentation

Maximum size, margins included: Height = 4 feet (121 cm); Width = 3 feet (91 cm).
The poster that you must print will therefore be during the conference oriented vertically (portrait format).
The text of the poster can be in French or English

Flash poster presentation

Flash poster presentations will be 2 minutes long with no question period. The goal is to make people want to visit your poster during the poster session. Do not present your entire project, on the contrary, it is advisable to end your presentation by indicating your poster number to learn more.

  • 1 slide without animation (no clicker or laser will be provided)
  • Only PowerPoint or PDF formats will be accepted.
  • Please send your slide to before November 20, 3:00 p.m.
  • The presentation and slide can be in French or English

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:


Dates to remember

October 9, 3pm: Deadline for abstract submission
October 31: Result of the assigned presentation type (oral, flash, or poster)
November 6: Deadline for registration
November 20, 3pm: Deadline for sending your presentations (oral and flash poster presentation)
November 22: CERMO-FC conference

Submission of abstract