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Mathieu Babin
Lab manager, UQAR
Thi Hao Bui
McGill University
Cécile Carton
Geotop - UQAM
Thuan Chau
SNA International (DPAA)
Keren Drori
Picarro Inc.
Paul Eby
InnoTech Alberta
Amelia Edwards
SNA International
Jonathan Fischer-Rush
University of New Brunswick
Taylor Graham
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jean-Francois Helie
Event manager, Geotop - UQAM
Wei Huang
Columbia University
Jack Hutchings
Manager, Konecky Lab, Washington University in St. Louis
Kerry Klassen
Univeristy of Ottawa
Paul Middlestead
University of Ottawa
Leah Mindorff
Geological Survey of Canada - Quebec
Yeganeh Mirzaei
Concordia University - Geotop
Daniele Pinti
2-Geotop - Research Centre on the Dynamics of the Earth System
Violaine Ponsin
Geotop - UQAM
Nick Randazzo
McMaster University
Peter Stow
President, Isomass Scientific Inc.
Shamsunnahar Suchana
University of Toronto

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