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Autochtonisation et décolonisation : convergences et divergences des luttes féministes et BSLGBTQIAA+ autochtones au Canada et dans le monde

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3:10 PM, Tuesday 3 May 2022 (1 hour 50 minutes)
Université du Québec à Montréal - CO-R700 (Chaufferie)

Sub Sessions

3:15 PM - 3:35 PM | 20 minutes

Having concluded that the long-term and ongoing murders and disappearances of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA (MMIWG2S+) people is genocide, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (2019) made 231 Calls for Justice in relation to culture, health, security, and criminal justice to broadly address the ongoing colonial dispossession and systemic, racialized, and gend...

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM | 15 minutes

From an intersectional and decolonial feminist perspective, this presentation offers an analisis of the collective processes of knowledge production from indigenous women's experiences on gender injustices and extreme violence. The fight against organized-crime in Mexico has unleashed a war that threatens the community fabrics that sustain the indigeouns peoples ́ life. Since the strategies and governmental policies to tackle the cr...

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM | 15 minutes

Comme toujours, le capitalisme parvient à contourner les crises et à en profiter, bien qu’il soit en grandepartie responsable des principaux problèmes qui affectent les sociétés, il parvient à inverser la tendanceen sa faveur et continue à faire des bénéfices. L'industrie minière et extractive en est un exemple trèsfrappant, ayant réussi à se positionner comme activité essentielle.L’exploitation industrielle illimitée de la nature se poursuit sans égard aux cris d’alarm...

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM | 15 minutes

In recent years, the visibility of Indigenous women leaders defending the rights of their communities from the abuses committed in connection to mega-projects has gained some space. However, most of what we know about their struggle is their victimisation. Can such a limited approach be overcome with a decolonial perspective? How? Why would it be relevant? The paper will discuss how a decolonial methodological orientation was crucial to arrive at what has been recognized as a decolonial an...

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM | 15 minutes

Cette présentation mettra en lumière les impacts du colonialisme sur les Premières Nations. Elle soulignera l’importance de la jeunesse autochtone en matière de développement économique et d’implication politique.   Elle se basera sur la voix des jeunes autochtones pour mettre en lumière leur rôle et leurs positions dans plusieurs volets de la société.Cette conférence se donnera via Zoom.

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