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Documenting and Restoring the Social Damage : The divergent routes of the State and community-based organizations

Mon statut pour la session

From an intersectional and decolonial feminist perspective, this presentation offers an analisis of the collective processes of knowledge production from indigenous women's experiences on gender injustices and extreme violence. The fight against organized-crime in Mexico has unleashed a war that threatens the community fabrics that sustain the indigeouns peoples ́ life. Since the strategies and governmental policies to tackle the criminality are universalist and punitive, the community based organisations have opted to produce information -qualitative and quantitative- about the violence that affects their communities. Paying attention to the community efforts of seeking justice is vital to properly comprehend the particularity of the contexts, long-term historical dispossessions and the healing power of cultural based restoring mechanisms and processes.

Dolores Figueroa


Mon statut pour la session


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