Justice, Mobility & Power: In Search of Ethical Encounters in Tourism
Justice listens at the gates of Beauty – Aimé Césaire
Tourism is everywhere. From the confines of the Antarctic to the heights of the Himalayas, from the favelas of Rio to the upscale neighborhoods of the major capitals of the world, as well as in all the interstices between these worlds, there is tourism and there are tourists. An emblematic phenomenon of the 21st century, the growth and sustained expansion of tourism is extraordinary, leaving in its wake potentially grave consequences that are disproportionately experienced by the human and non-human societies it crosses. While many researchers have addressed issues of impacts, including the carrying capacity of natural environments or the commodification of cultures, direct engagement with issues and perspectives of justice within tourism have received much less attention. Recognizing that importance of justice to studying and practicing within the tourism system—for instance, in terms of social justice, distributive justice, recognition, environmental and climate justice, mobility justice—this third meeting of Critical Tourism Studies North America aims to deepen conversations about justice and tourism. In particular, we invite diverse contributions (e.g., papers, panels, workshops, posters, creative scholarly exhibits, etc.) that consider one or more of the following thematic areas and topics:
Tourism and the challenges of global justice
• Social justice and inequalities
• Environmental and climate justice
• Justice and (im)mobility
• Justice and redistribution of power
• Justice and resources (economic, natural, social)
• Inter-species justice
• Recognition and intersectionality
• Justice and ethics
Tourism and justice in everyday life:
• Interaction of justice and tourism daily life
• interaction of justice and tourism in the workplace
• Interaction of justice and tourism in leisure
Critical tourism studies in action
• Justice and the classroom
• Justice and field of research
• Justice and research representations and dissemination
Doing justice to
• Negotiated authenticity or do justice to
• Justice and goodwill
• Justice and care
These themes are not exhaustive and all relevant contributions will be considered.
Acceptable formats for contributions include papers, posters, panels, workshops, art exhibits, short films, etc. If you have an idea, feel free to propose it! Please submit a 500-word abstract in English, French, or Spanish, which also indicates the format of the contribution, using our online submission system via the link below.
If you need help to submit your proposal
Abstracts Due: Novembre 21st, 2020 ● Notification of Acceptance: March, 2021
Optional Full Papers Due: May, 2021