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9:00 AM, Vendredi 4 Août 2023 (1 heure 30 minutes)

Sous sessions

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM | 30 minutes

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, Thailand closed its borders to foreign travelers in April 2020. On the island of Phuket, where 80% of the economy and most of the jobs are linked to tourism - and mainly international tourism - the travel restrictions had a significant impact on the local economy: massive job losses, hotel and restaurant closures, etc. For the government, the pandemic was an opportunity to i...

Alexandre Veilleux

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | 30 minutes

The ‘Our Stories, Your City’ project is an innovative collaboration between Mercat Tours and the Grassmarket Community partnership in Edinburgh. In the aftermath of the widespread lockdowns in 2020, the initiative invited tour guests to ‘pay forward’ a walking tour and heritage attraction visit to benefit local residents who experience low income, ill health, disability or other forms of disadvantage. While...

Lynn Minnaert

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 30 minutes

I am keen on learning how tourism is entangled in World(s) making and unmaking processes, particularly its role in unveiling and perhaps countervailing the power relations within the bastions of the capitalist superstructure, where Marx and Engels’ (1919) prognosis, “exploitation of the many by the few” (p. 29) has become a dreadful neoliberal symbiosis. If given the opportunity, I am interested in dialogue...

Tawsif Dowla


Mon statut pour la session


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