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Concurrent session 5c

Mon statut pour la session

10:00 AM, Mardi 22 Juin 2021 (2 heures 30 minutes)
  Session virtuelle
Cette session est dans le passé.
L'espace virtuel est fermé.

Sous sessions

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 30 minutes

Wall, Pine and SeabyAdam DoeringandAna Maria MunarThe theme of this conference is Tourism Justice. Ours is also a story of justice, but the kind where reconciliation, restoration, or redistributive justice may no longer be plausible. A justice where time cannot be reversed or catastrophe erased, but where holding open possibilities of beauty in ruins and hearing stories of partial recuperation may offer a new sensibility for other forms of just beginnings to...

Adam Doering


Ana Maria Munar

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | 30 minutes

On the affective capacities of rock climbingbyMichela J. StinsonandBryan S. R. Grimwood Rock climbing is frequently constructed as a tourism practice that exemplifies the rational, masculine, and colonial quest to conquer the chaotic, natural world (Nettlefold & Stratford, 1999). Climbing, in effect, is permeated with discourses that hold nature and culture forever apart. But rock climbing is also a negotiation between many affected bodies—those human an...

Michela Stinson


Bryan Grimwood

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | 30 minutes

From conflict to collaboration: Atewa Forest governance through community-based ecotourismbyVictor M. AgboandLarry A. SwatukThe problem of forest degradation and loss has become the concern of many countries. For this reason, many countries are adopting management collaborations for sustainable forest management to address this challenge. Successful ones recognize l...

Victor Agbo


Personnes inscrites

Bryan Grimwood
University of Waterloo
Walner Osna
Université d'Ottawa

Mon statut pour la session


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