Haim Dubossarsky is Lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, and Affiliated Lecturer in the Language Technology Lab at the University of Cambridge. His research focuses on NLP and AI, with a special interest in the intersection of linguistics, cognition, and neuroscience, integrating advanced mathematical and computational methods across disciplines.
Semantic change | June 13
Sessions in which Haim Dubossarsky participates
Thursday 13 June, 2024
Languages change constantly over time, influenced by social, technological, cultural, and political factors that alter our understanding of texts. New NLP/ML models can detect words that have changed their meaning. They help not only to understand old texts, but meaning changes across disciplines, the linguistic and social causes behind historical language change, changing views in political science and psychology, and changing styles in poetry and scientific writing. I will provide an overvi...