Judit Gervain is professor of developmental and social psychology, University of Padua. Her research is on early speech perception and language acquisition in monolingual and bilingual infants. She using behavioral and brain imaging techniques. She has done pioneering work in newborn speech perception using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), revealing the impact of prenatal experience on early perceptual abilities, and has been one of the first to document the beginnings of the acquisition of grammar in newborns and preverbal infants.
Comparing how babies and AI learn language | June 4
Sessions in which Judit Gervain participates
Tuesday 4 June, 2024
Judit Gervain will discuss the parallels and the differences between infant language acquisition and AI language learning, focusing on the early stages of language learning in infants. In particular, she will compare and contrast the type and amount of input infants and Large Language Models need to learn language, the learning trajectories, and the presence/absence of critical periods. She has used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as well as cross-linguistic behavioral studies to shed light...