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The puzzle of dimensionality and feature learning in modern Deep Learning and LLM

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1:30 PM, Monday 3 Jun 2024 EDT (1 hour 30 minutes)
Large Language Models & Understanding
Remarkable progress in AI has far surpassed expectations of just a few years ago is rapidly changing science and society. Never before had a technology been deployed so widely and so quickly with so little understanding of its fundamentals. Yet our understanding of the fundamental principles of AI is lacking. I will argue that developing a mathematical theory of deep learning is necessary for a successful AI transition and, furthermore, that such a theory may well be within reach. I will discuss what such a theory might look like and some of its ingredients that we already have available. At their core, modern models, such as transformers, implement traditional statistical models -- high order Markov chains. Nevertheless, it is not generally possible to estimate Markov models of that order given any possible amount of data. Therefore, these methods must implicitly exploit low-dimensional structures present in data. Furthermore, these structures must be reflected in high-dimensional internal parameter spaces of the models. Thus, to build fundamental understanding of modern AI, it is necessary to identify and analyze these latent low-dimensional structures. In this talk, I will discuss how deep neural networks of various architectures learn low-dimensional features and how the lessons of deep learning can be incorporated in non-backpropagation-based algorithms that we call Recursive Feature Machines. 



Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan, Daniel Beaglehole, Parthe Pandit, Mikhail Belkin, Mechanism for feature learning in neural networks and backpropagation-free machine learning models, in Science (Vol 383, Issue 6690). 

Mikhail Belkin, Daniel Hsu, Siyuan Ma, and Soumik Mandal, Reconciling modern machine-learning practice and the classical bias–variance trade-off, PNAS 116 (32) 15849-15854

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