Jonathan Balcombe: The sentient world of fishes

My Session Status
2:00 PM, Saturday 30 Jun 2018
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Université du Québec à Montréal
- DS-R510
This presentation takes us under the sea, through streams and estuaries to reveal the inner lives of the world’s most misunderstood and exploited vertebrates. Although they exceed thirty thousand species―more than all mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians combined―fishes have been widely seen as lacking minds, emotions, and experiences. In reality, fishes are sentient, aware, social, even Machiavellian.
Jonathan P. Balcombe. 2016. In praise of fishes: Précis of What a fish knows (Balcombe 2016). Animal Sentience 8(1).
Key, Brian (2016) Why fish do not feel pain. Animal Sentience 3(1)
Sneddon, Lynne U.; Lopez-Luna, Javier; Wolfenden, David C.C.; Leach, Matthew C.; Valentim, Ana M.; Steenbergen, Peter J.; Bardine, Nabila; Currie, Amanda D.; Broom, Donald M.; and Brown, Culum (2018) Fish sentience denial: Muddying the waters. Animal Sentience 21(1)
Soares, Marta C.; Rui F. Oliveira, Albert F.H. Ros, Alexandra S. Grutter, Redouan Bshary. 2011. Tactile stimulation lowers stress in fish. Nature Communications 2:534.
Woodruff, Michael L. (2017) Consciousness in teleosts: There is something it feels like to be a fish. Animal Sentience 13(1)