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Lori Marino: Who are dolphins?

Decorative image for session Lori Marino: Who are dolphins?

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11:00 AM, Monday 2 Jul 2018 (1 hour 30 minutes)
dolphinswhalespsychologyscientist-advocatebiologyneurosciencesawarenesssocial behaviorPorpoises



Lori Marino (speaker)
Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy

Suzanne Held (discussant)
Bristol Veterinary School (University of Bristol)

Geneviève Bélanger 
Head Sea Shepherd, Montreal Chapter

I will present current knowledge about who dolphins, whales and porpoises are: research on cetacean brains, self-awareness (including mirror self-recognition and metacognition) and what these capacities mean for their adaptation to their natural life in the oceans. I will discuss examples of how cetacean psychology is expressed through family bonds, social complexity and cultural traditions.
Marino, L., Connor, R. C., Fordyce, R. E., Herman, L. M., Hof, P. R., Lefebvre, L., ... & Rendell, L. (2007). Cetaceans have complex brains for complex cognitionPLoS biology5(5), e139.
Morrison, R., & Reiss, D. (2018). Precocious development of self-awareness in dolphinsPloS one13(1), e0189813.

Lori Marino


Geneviève Bélanger

Other Participant

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