Reuven Dukas: Insect emotions: mechanisms and evolutionary biology

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Professor McMaster University

University of Lethbridge
Emotions can be defined as internal states elicited by rewards and punishers, which are anything an animal will work to achieve or avoid, respectively. There has recently been increased interest in adopting insects such as fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) for basic and applied research on emotion and its disorders. I will review this research and outline necessary lines of future investigation focusing on the fundamental issues of heritable variation in emotion and its association with fitness
Baxter, C. M., & Dukas, R. (2017). Life history of aggression: effects of age and sexual experience on male aggression towards males and females. Animal Behaviour, 123, 11-20.
Dukas, R. (2017). Cognitive innovations and the evolutionary biology of expertise. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 372(1735), 20160427.
Croston, R; C.L. Branch D.Y. Kozlovsky R. Dukas V.V. Pravosudov (2015) Heritability and the evolution of cognitive traits Behavioral Ecology 26(6) 1447–1459