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New deadline - April 26, 2021

Call for Posters Session on Cognition and Climate Change 

You are invited to submit an abstract for a poster presentation for the online poster session at the ISC 2021 Summer School on Cognitive Challenges of Climate Change, organized by the Cognitive Sciences Institute (ISC) at UQAM. This event will be held online via Zoom and Gathertown. 

The Best Poster will receive an award of $1 000 CAD.

More than 35 renowned researchers will present on topics related tocognition and climate change from multiple perspectives, such as psychology, philosophy, linguistics, education, neuroscience, anthropology and cognitive computing,but also in biological sciences, chemistry, physics, communication, sociology or political science.Poster presentations from graduate, postgraduate, and faculty members working on climate change and cognition in any of these fields are welcome.

The themes of the ISC 2021 Summer School are listed below, your proposition should be relevant to at least one of those:

A. Surprise, ignorance and knowledge of Climate Change; Climate Change modeling

B. Climate Change Ethics and Governance; Carbon Markets; Social Science and Climate Change

C. Behavioral Science and Climate Change; Cognitive Mechanisms of Climate Change Denial

D. Interpreting Signs and Narratives about Climate Change; Impacts on Communities and First Nations; Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change

E. Learning, Teaching and Communicating about Climate Change

F. New Behaviors at an Individual Level; New Behaviors at an Organizational Level

G. Climate Activism and Environmental Justice

Guidelines for submission

All submissions must be made through the EasyChair system by following this link:

If you don’t have an EasyChair account, click on the "create an account " tab and follow the instructions. When you are connected, click the "New Submission" tab.

Your submission must include:

  • A title
  • An abstract of about 350 words (2500 characters, spaces included)
  • Full name, affiliation and email address of the author and co-authors.
  • A minimum of 3 keywords
  • The theme relevant to your poster and the discipline(s) studied

Poster guidelines

The poster session will take place online via GatherTown. You will need to prepare the following for your presentation:

  • a PDF of your poster (1 page)
  • an oral presentation (5 minutes maximum)

If you wish, but it is not mandatory, you can also prepare a short 30-second video presenting your project to broadcast on the platforms of the ISC 2021 Summer School (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube). More details about the guidelines will be sent with acceptance notifications on April 30th.

Deadline - Extended 
The submission deadline is MondayApril 26, 2021

Notifications of acceptance* will be sent to authors by April 30, 2021.

*Registration is mandatory to participate and present a poster at the ISC 2021 Summer School.

Call for Posters
Characters: 2911, Words: 441

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