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Gale M. Sinatra: Teaching and Learning about Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities

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2:20 PM, Mardi 1 Juin 2021 EDT (1 heure 15 minutes)

Democracies depend on educated citizens who can make informed decisions about scientific issues. This presentation will focus on how teaching and learning about climate change presents both challenges and opportunities for educators in K-12, higher education and in informal learning environments such as museums. In her forthcoming book, Science Denial: Why It Happens and What To Do About It, Sinatra and co-author Barbara Hofer examine the psychological factors contributing to science denial, doubt, resistance, and misunderstanding such as motivated reasoning, cognitive biases, emotions and identity. They also focus on action steps educators can take to promote climate change understanding, acceptance, and motivated action. This presentation will focus on those action steps such as: teaching to promote epistemic cognition, critical thinking, and conceptual change, while confronting climate change denial, tempering negative emotions, leveraging motivations, debunking misconceptions, and fostering active civic engagement.

Gale Sinatra


Mon statut pour la session

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