Lundi 24 Mai, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 1 - Une tempête cognitive parfaite : affronter les surprises avec la non-connaissance
8:29 AM EDT -
8:30 AM EDT |
1 minute
Workshop with Dennis Meadows: Cognitive challenges of modeling long-term climate change dynamics
8:30 AM EDT -
10:30 AM EDT |
2 heures
Naomi Oreskes : Can Science Be Saved?: Moving Beyond Climate Denial
11:00 AM EDT -
12:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Paul Thagard: History of Cognitive Science and Its Relevance to Climate Change
12:45 PM EDT -
2:00 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Eric Winsberg: Climate Science and Uncertainty
2:05 PM EDT -
3:20 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Mardi 25 Mai, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 2 - Conception et calcul de modèles de changement climatique: des «limites à la croissance» aux rapports du GIEC
9:29 AM EDT -
9:30 AM EDT |
1 minute
Dennis Meadows: The influence of long-term global dynamics on climate change
9:30 AM EDT -
10:45 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Serge Robert: The Modeling of Environmental Systems and its cognitive foundations
10:50 AM EDT -
12:05 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Philippe Gachon: Climate change sciences and models: For a comprehensive level of understanding of climate risks
2:00 PM EDT -
3:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Mercredi 26 Mai, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 3 - Repenser les modèles climatiques, les marchés du carbone et la gouvernance
9:29 AM EDT -
9:30 AM EDT |
1 minute
Christian Gollier: How should Society be organized to fight climate change? The economics viewpoint
9:30 AM EDT -
10:45 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Matthew Paterson: The centrality of politics to climate change and the problem of climate politics
10:50 AM EDT -
12:05 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Stephen Gardiner: The centrality of ethics and justice to climate change
12:35 PM EDT -
1:50 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Jeudi 27 Mai, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 4 - L'intersection des sciences du comportement, des sciences cognitives et des sciences du climat
9:29 AM EDT -
9:30 AM EDT |
1 minute
Baruch Fischhoff: Making Behavioral Science Integral to Climate Science and Action
9:30 AM EDT -
10:45 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Susan L. Joslyn: Communicating Climate Change: A Cognitive Perspective
10:50 AM EDT -
12:05 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Thomas Dietz: What we know and what we need to know about climate decision making
12:35 PM EDT -
1:50 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
John Robinson: Normalizing Sustainability: beyond behaviour change
2:00 PM EDT -
3:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Vendredi 28 Mai, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 5 - Mécanismes cognitifs du déni du changement climatique
9:29 AM EDT -
9:30 AM EDT |
1 minute
Stephan Lewandowsky: Climate denial: drivers and consequences
9:30 AM EDT -
10:45 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Sander van der Linden: A Psychological Vaccine Against Misinformation about Climate Change
10:50 AM EDT -
12:05 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Irina Feygina: Understanding and responding to motivated cognition processes underlying climate change skepticism and denial
2:45 PM EDT -
4:00 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
John Cook: Using inoculation and critical thinking to counter climate science denial
5:00 PM EDT -
6:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Lundi 31 Mai, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Session d'orientation II (Pour les Étudiant-es avec crédits seulement)
12:00 PM EDT -
12:55 PM EDT |
55 minutes
Mithra Moezzi: Energy transition story shakeup
1:55 PM EDT -
3:10 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Raul Lejano: Narrative and Climate: Relational Perspectives on Communication
3:15 PM EDT -
4:30 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Mardi 1 Juin, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 7 - Apprendre, enseigner et communiquer le changement climatique
9:59 AM EDT -
10:00 AM EDT |
1 minute
Connie Roser-Renouf: Effective Climate Communication Begins When We Meet Audiences Where They Are
10:00 AM EDT -
11:15 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Matthew A. Shapiro: Climate change-related communication challenges and the impact on the policy making process
11:20 AM EDT -
12:35 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Sara Harris: Does Learning Climate Science Matter?
1:00 PM EDT -
2:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Gale M. Sinatra: Teaching and Learning about Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities
2:20 PM EDT -
3:35 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Mercredi 2 Juin, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Karen Akerlof: Stationarity is Dead: Adaptation to a Changing World
2:30 PM EDT -
3:45 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Ben Newell: From “why should I bother?” to “Yes, we can!”: Risk, willingness, and cooperation in action on climate change
5:00 PM EDT -
6:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Jeudi 3 Juin, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 9 - Nouveaux comportements au niveau organisationnel
11:14 AM EDT -
11:15 AM EDT |
1 minute
John Ehrenfeld: Flourishing, not sustainability, is the right vision for the future
11:15 AM EDT -
12:30 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Leidy Klotz: A Legacy of Less: Subtracting in the Anthropocene
12:35 PM EDT -
1:50 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Manjana Milkoreit: Expanding the Toolbox of Climate Governance: Facilitating Collective Imagination
2:15 PM EDT -
3:30 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
William E. Rees: The Enigma of Climate Inaction – On the Human Nature of Policy Failure
3:35 PM EDT -
4:50 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Robert Costanza: Overcoming our societal addiction to growth
5:00 PM EDT -
6:15 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Vendredi 4 Juin, 2021
Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Jour 10 - Activisme climatique et justice environnementale
8:59 AM EDT -
9:00 AM EDT |
1 minute
Julia Steinberger: Struggle for survival: The importance of climate activism from the perspectives of political economy and science communication
9:00 AM EDT -
10:15 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Karen O’Brien: Transformation in Action: The role of agency in responding to the climate crisis
10:20 AM EDT -
11:35 AM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Clare Saunders: Climate change activism in the UK: Continuity and change over the last 20 years
11:40 AM EDT -
12:55 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Lauren Feldman: Communicating Hope and Fear in a Context of Climate Emergency
1:15 PM EDT -
2:30 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes
Maxwell Boykoff: Engaged Scientists: Academic Climate Advocacy and Activism in 2021
2:35 PM EDT -
3:50 PM EDT |
1 heure 15 minutes