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Jour 7

Mon statut pour la session

9:00 AM, Mardi 11 Juin 2024 EDT (8 heures)

Samy Bengio


Christian Lebière


Michael Levin


Sous sessions

9:00 AM EDT - 10:30 AM EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes
Large Language Models & Learning

Reasoning is the action of drawing conclusions efficiently by composing learned concepts. In this presentation I’ll give a few examples illustrating why it is hard to learn to reason with current machine learning approaches. I will describe a general framework (generalization of the unseen) that characterizes most reasoning problems and out-of-distribution generalization in general, and give insights about intrinsic biases of current models. I will then present the specific problem of length ...

Samy Bengio

11:00 AM EDT - 12:30 PM EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes
Large Language Models: Applications, Ethics & Risks

Large Language Models have displayed an uncanny ability to store information at scale and use it to answer a wide range of queries in robust and general ways. However, they are not truly generative in the sense that they depend on massive amounts of externally generated data for pre-training and lesser but still significant amounts of human feedback for fine-tuning. Conversely, cognitive architectures have been developed to reproduce and explain the structure and mechanisms of human cognition...

Christian Lebière

1:30 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes
Large Language Models & Understanding

Human intelligence and that of today’s AI’s are just two points within a huge space of possible diverse intelligences. It is critical, for the development of both engineering advances and essential ethical frameworks, to improve our innately limited ability to recognize minds in unconventional embodiments. I will describe our work using the collective intelligence of body cells solving problems in anatomical and physiological spaces, to map out a framework for communicating with and understan...

Michael Levin

3:30 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes
Large Language Models & LearningLarge Language Models: Applications, Ethics & RisksLarge Language Models & Understanding

Samy Bengio


Christian Lebière


Michael Levin


Mon statut pour la session

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