Dr. Alvarez Hernandez is currently a postdoctoral fellow affiliated with the Department of Art of the University of Toronto. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Art History in 2005 (University of Havana, Cuba), a masters’ degree in Art Studies in 2010 (UQAM, Canada) and a doctorate in Art History in 2015 (UQAM, Canada). Her main areas of research interest are commemorative public art, post-colonial and multicultural societies, immigration heritages, digital humanities, and curatorial studies. Her current research highlights questions and issues raised by the presence, in public spaces, of material culture shaped or produced by immigrant groups within Canadian and French contexts, with a special focus on monuments and memorials. Additionally, her other interests include contemporary Cuban art and Latin American art. As an independent curator, she has organized various exhibitions since 2003, presented papers at national and international conferences in Canada, Mexico, Germany, Argentina, France, Poland, Cuba, etc., and her writings have been published in books, journals and exhibition catalogues. She has also held curatorial positions in the past (National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana, 2005-2006; L’Artothèque of Montreal, 2014-2015).
Sessions in which Dr Analays Alvarez Hernandez participates
Saturday 4 June, 2016
Sessions in which Dr Analays Alvarez Hernandez attends
Saturday 4 June, 2016
Dans le cadre de cette session, nous souhaitons faire, dans une perspective multidisciplinaire et critique, un état des lieux qui interroge doublement, à la lumière de trois axes que sont la narrativité, la temporalité et la performativité, la patrimonialisation des sujets sensibles tant sur ses rôles, ses formes et ses effets sur les sociétés qui les entreprennent, que sur sa fonction révélatrice d’un monde en changement. L’espace public laisse une place grandissante aux objets, aux li...
Monday 6 June, 2016
To celebrate our film series dedicated to heritage, sponsored by the Department of American Studies at the University of Maryland and the United States Chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, this event will spotlight the iconic Sugar Shack, which is rooted from Quebec to New-England and which is both the place of maple syrup production and of friendly gatherings during the maple syrup season. In a festive atmosphere, delegates will be invited to taste one of the essential of...