Alison McCleery
Edinburgh Napier University
Alison McCleery has a track record of successful Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) project delivery and has published widely on this field. She has also given both a keynote address at the 10th Anniversary Celebrations in Venice in November 2013 of the UNESCO Convention on the ICH and has presented on ICH at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. in 2014. Jordan Gamble has recently completed a PhD in Business and Management studies in the context of creative and cultural industries. His 2013 paper on co-creational marketing practices within the music industry was published in the European Journal of Marketing and he was awarded a Santander Mobility Scholarship to co-present a paper on ICH at the 4th International Conference on Intangible Heritage in Portugal in 2015.
Recent publications:
‘The Way Forward for Mapping and Safeguarding ICH: The Scottish Experience’ (with A. Leask, J. Bowers & A. McCleery) in ed. Arokiasamy, C. ICOMOS Proceedings (ICOMOS: London, forthcoming).
‘Recording and safeguarding intangible Cultural Heritage: the experience in Scotland’ (with J. Bowers), in ed. M. Stefano Intangible heritage in global perspective (University of Maryland, in press).
Gamble, J. R. and McCleery, A. Culture at what cost? An examination of controversial issues surrounding intangible culture heritage using a case study approach in Scotland, Paper presented at ‘Sharing Cultures 2015’, 4th International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Centro Cultural de Lagos, Portugal, September 2015
‘Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage: rights, responsibilities and realities in respect of distinctive cultural and social practices’ in S. Lire et al (eds), Sharing Cultures 2011. ISBN 978-989-95671 4 6. Pp 491-500. (Green Lines Institute: Barcelos, Portugal, 2012)
‘Intangible Cultural Heritage in Scotland: Developing appropriate methodologies’. In ed. A. Gauthier Les Mesures de Soutien au Patrimoine Immatériel (with J. Orr). Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant. ISBN 978-2-922180-20-6. Pp 189-200. (Quebec, Canada: 2012)