PhD in Philosophy (Comparative Religion Studies), MA at the Academy of Economy in Kraków (specialisation – Economics of Tourism), Associate Professor in the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Her research focuses on comparative studies of cultures in a broad sense, including contemporary religious phenomena, with an emphasis on rituals and ceremonies; special interest in the death in various cultures; Celtic culture, including Celtic Christianity; Sociolinguistics; nonverbal communication. She is the author of numerous publications, both articles as well books, also over hundred items that have appeared in lexicons and encyclopaedias in the field of religion. Her most important publications are: 2013, Religie Celtów [Religions of the Celts]; 2002, Tradycja celtycka w życiu religijnym współczesnego społeczeństwa irlandzkiego [Celtic Tradition in Religious Life of Contemporary Irish Society]; 1988, Celtowie [Celts]; 2015,
Rituals of the Easter Period in Poland, in: Magic in Rituals and Rituals in Magic, eds. T. Minniyakhmetova, K. Velkoborská, Innsbruck-Tartu, pp. 70-82; 2014, Interference of Politics in Celebrating «Dożynki» - the Festival of Harvest in Poland in 1950s, in: Politics, Feasts, Festivals, ed. G. Barna, I. Povedák, Szeged, pp. 171-192; 2014, Crossing borders with the Festival of Brigid, in: Migrations, eds. D. Patusheva, L. Gergova, Sofia; 2011, Celebrating Christmas in contemporary Poland, in: The Ritual Year 6. The Inner and the Outer, ed. M. Kõive, Tartu, pp. 219-248; 2011, Miejsce i znaczenie języków celtyckich w kulturze europejskiej [Place and meaning of Celtic languages in European culture], "Estetyka i Krytyka", no. 23 (4), pp. 57-75; 2011, "Celtic Spirituality" in Contemporary Ireland, in: Ireland's New Religious Movements, eds. O. Cosgrove, L. Cox, Carmen Kuhling, P. Mulholland, Newcastle, pp. 300-316; 2010, Religiosity of Polish Immigrants in Ireland, in: Religion and Identity
in Transition, eds. I. Borowik, M. Zawiła, Kraków, pp. 316-331.
Sessions in which Bożena Gierek participates
Sunday 5 June, 2016
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Tuesday 7 June, 2016
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
11.30 Promoting Local Heritage of the Province of Małopolska in Poland
9:00 -
9:30 |
30 minutes