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Brenda M. Trofanenko

Acadia University
Participates in 1 Session
I am an Associate Professor and the Canada Research Chair in Education, Culture, and Community at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS, Canada. My research advances critical pedagogy in cultural heritage institutions. I examine the histories of injustice and their contemporary legacies, the social and political processes of cultural heritage institutions and their pedagogical mandates and how a critical and democratizing framework within the institution addresses how past historical injustices are currently conceptualized and received. I also research the relationship between geography and memory particular to heritage. There remains little examination of how specific museums work to invoke remembrance as a way of learning about the past. However, I examine how the direct and indirect expectation that an event is never forgotten is tied specifically to geography and the transitional space within and beyond the cultural heritage institution. I utilize case study methods to examine each theme while attempting to show the relationship between the two. In addition to holding a CRC, my other academic accomplishments include: Trofanenko, B. (in press). Remapping the postcolonial: Localisms/globalisms/diasporas, Duke University Press, in press; Trofanenko, B. (in press). Seeing a burden of pedagogical responsibility: Comments on the limits of remembering. Teachers College Press. Trofanenko, B. (in press). History, heritage, and education: Notes on passing as an insider at a heritage education conference. In M. Glever & C. van Boxtel (Eds.) Tangible Pasts: Questioning heritage education. Berghahn Books: New York/Oxford. Trofanenko, B. (2015). Valuing the past, or, untangling the social, political, and economic importance of cultural heritage sites. In W. Logan, M. Nic Craith and . Kockel (Eds.) Blackwell Companion to the New Heritage Studies. Plus an additional 15 peer reviewed papers, 8 book chapters, and 30+ public lectures.

Sessions in which Brenda M. Trofanenko participates