Prof. Ola Wetterberg
Professor and Chair in Conservation of Built Heritage, at the Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg, Ola Wetterberg is engaged in the development of cross disciplinary and cross professional education and research. His research is conducted in two related directions: urban heritage and the changing role of church buildings. His present research projects regard the changing values and new uses of church heritage in contemporary society.
Recent publications (selection): 2014 Svenska kyrkans kulturarv Forskningsöversikt 2009-2014, co-authors Erika Persson & Eva Löfgren, research report Department of Conservation, 2014 ‘Integrated Conservation of Built Environments: Swedish Reflections from Three Decades of Program Development’, co-authors Lagerqvist Bosse & Ingrid Martins Holmberg, in Preservation Education: Sharing Best Practices and Finding Common Ground, University Press of New England; 2013 ’Strukturella samhällsförändringar och kulturarvsprocesser – exemplet malmfälten’, co-author Birgitta Svensson, in Mångvetenskapliga möten för ett breddat kulturarbete, Riksantikvarieämbetet; 2011 ’Conservation and the Professions: The Swedish Context 1880-1920’, in Towards World Heritage. International Origins of the Preservation Movement 1870-1930 Ashgate.