Sessions in which Fanny Brulhart participates
Tuesday 7 June, 2016
Sessions in which Fanny Brulhart attends
Friday 3 June, 2016
Working with archival documents and the current-day morphology of the Grey Nuns' site, Dr Cynthia Hammond, Dr Shauna Janssen, in collaboration with Dr Jill Didur, will curate a series of installations and performances that speak directly to the rich heritage of a specific urban landscape: the gardens of the Grey Nuns' Motherhouse, now part of the Concordia University downtown campus. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the lost working gardens of the Grey Nuns. As with other such...
Saturday 4 June, 2016
Since the beginning of the 19th century religious buildings and artefacts of the West have been involved in a continuous process of musealization. In the time-period subsequent to the Second World War, the general forces of secularisation increasingly turned religious buildings, most of them churches, into heritage and substantial parts of Christian practices into history. On a global scale (Western), conservation and heritage practices have been applied on tangible and intangible expressions...
Sunday 5 June, 2016
Les arts du spectacle, les événements festifs, les rituels, les récits oraux, les savoir-faire font désormais pleinement partie du patrimoine culturel au même titre que les collections d’objets et les monuments. La Convention sur le patrimoine immatériel adoptée en 2003 par l’UNESCO vise à assurer leur reconnaissance culturelle à l’échelle locale, nationale, et internationale, ainsi que leur sauvegarde. Ces pratiques culturelles et artistiques se distinguent toutefois des objets patrimonia...