Marc Morell is a social anthropologist who has just submitted his thesis at the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). He there explores gentrification not as a spatial reflection of previous precipitated class formations but as a constitutive moment in the urban making of class. This approach to an urban formation of class not only involves an ethnographic account of the rent gap found in the field (a neighbourhood in urban Majorca), but also aims at politically exploring what the heritage of the working class is about in a time in which heritagisation processes have become a common place in the scenario of Balearic public policy. This work is part of a broader project he has in mind for the Mediterranean region where he aims to tease out the class character of the production of space in market society from a labour angle that departs from autonomy. Marc has been a Professor Asscoaiat at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) where he has taught subjects in social anthropology. He has also been contracted as researcher at the same institution and he has carried out most of his fieldwork in Majorca and Malta. He has been visiting research at the Università ta’ Malta, the University of Manchester and at Queen’s University Belfast. Some of his most recent publications in English are: The Making of Heritage (co-editor, Routledge, 2015), «When Space Draws the Line on Class» (in Anthropologies of Class. Cambridge University Press, 2015), «Working Class Heritage without the Working Class» (in Heritage, Labour and the Working Classes. Routledge, 2011), «Fent barri: heritage tourism policy and neighbourhood scaling in Ciutat de Mallorca» (in Etnográfica. Revista de antropologia 13.2, 2009), and «Ġebla and the Maltese grumbling civil society. An ethnographic inquiry on neoliberal gentrification» (in En Cours. Mondes et dynamiques des Sociétes 11, 2009).