I hold a bachelors degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria and a Masters in Geospatial Analysis from University College London. I am currently rounding up another masters in Landscape Architecture of which I have and am still working on cultural heritage for my dissertation. I started my career with the Millennium Village Project (MVP) of the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) as an Infrastructure Facilitator in 2008 where I participated in GIS mapping of hunger hotspots which helped the project very much in intervention analysis including monitoring and evaluation of impacts which I found quite interesting.
I joined Unity Bank Plc 2009 as a Resource Planner where I frequently analysed consumer behaviour and existing as well as projected market locations.
Joining Ahmadu Bello University as a Campus Planner in 2011 brought me closer to my dream of being a researcher. Being a Head of Planning and Survey Section at the University, has been very challenging. I supervise Operations management, Data acquisition and analysis of Campus utilities, Infrastructure, Transportation, Disaster planning/recovery, Special projects and the Campus River Basin watershed while incorporation all into a developing campus wide GIS. In addition to these responsibilities, I help the Registry administer all University-owned property and boundary records, all without a fully developed Campus GIS. I recently joined the Center for Spatail Information Science (CSIS) as a researcher where I work with visiting research fellows in using ICT to process, store and retrieve data on urban growth and change with the view of extracting valuable knowledge to advise government on policy and decision making.