Visnja Kisic
Center for Museology and Heritology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Participates in 1 Session
Višnja Kisić (Serbia, 1986) is researcher and lecturer in the field of heritage management, interpretation and policy. She holds BA in Art History, UNESCO MA in Cultural Policy and Management, and a PhD in Museum and Heritage Studies, with topic Strategic heritage management as a model of generating social values. She is the winner of the European Cultural Policy Research Award 2013 for the research “Governing heritage dissonance: promises and realities of selected cultural policy tools”, connecting concept of heritage dissonance to selected policy tools aimed at reconciliation through heritage in Southeast Europe (in print). She is lecturing on new museology and community engagement in heritage management and interpretation at the Center for Museology and Heritology, University of Belgrade and has experience as trainer in educational programs for heritage professionals in SEE region - including Europa Nostra, ICOM Serbia, European Heritage Association, SEE Heritage Network, Balkan
Museum Network, Regional Council for Cooperation, Cooperation and Development Network SEE, and Heritage Site Management Plans trainings. She is a Board Member of South East European Heritage Network. Previously, she has worked in curatorial and outreach departments at the National Museum in Belgrade, at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, American Pavilion at Venice Bienalle, Museum of Art and Archaeology in Columbia, Missouri. Recent articles:
• (2015) “Collection’s lifecycle: a basis for (re)defining museality of collection as thesaurus”, Meijer-van Mensch, L. (ed.)”Collecting and Collections in Times of War or Political and Social Change, book of articles from COMCOL 2014.
• (2014) “Towards multiple frameworks of citizen’s involvement in heritage-making”, Kultura 144: New Museology, Centre for Cultural Development Research, Belgrade.
• (2014) “Sustaining or evolving values in order to sustain? A (paradoxical) relationship of cultural sustainability and heritage”, Journal of the Faculty for Dramatic Arts Belgrade, Culture and Sustainable Development in Times of Crises, CosT 2015.