Géraldine Djament-Tran est maître de conférences à l’université de Strasbourg. Membre de l’UMR SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs et Gouvernement en Europe), elle est associée à l’EIREST (Equipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherches sur le Tourisme de l’université Paris 1). Ses recherches portent sur les relations entre patrimonialisation et métropolisation. Elle a notamment publié, en co-direction avec Philippe San Marco, La métropolisation de la culture et du patrimoine, livre paru en 2014 aux Editions Le Manuscrit.
Geraldine Djament-Tran is lecturer at the University of Strasbourg. Member of the SAGE laboratory (Companies, Actors and Government in Europe), she is associated with the EIREST (Interdisciplinary Team Research on tourism of the University of Paris 1). Her research focuses on the relationship between heritage and metropolisation. She has in particular published in Paris in 2014, co-supervised with Philippe San Marco, Metropolisation of culture and heritage (Manuscrit Editions).
Geraldine Djament-Tran is lecturer at the University of Strasbourg. Member of the SAGE laboratory (Companies, Actors and Government in Europe), she is associated with the EIREST (Interdisciplinary Team Research on tourism of the University of Paris 1). Her research focuses on the relationship between heritage and metropolisation. She has in particular published in Paris in 2014, co-supervised with Philippe San Marco, Metropolisation of culture and heritage (Manuscrit Editions).
Sessions in which Dr Géraldine Djament-Tran participates
Saturday 4 June, 2016
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Alter-Heritagization / Alter-Metropolization ? Objects, Players and Forms of Alternative Heritage Production in Contemporary Metropolises
13:30 -
17:00 |
3 hours 30 minutes
Sunday 5 June, 2016
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)