Sessions in which Pedro Paulo Funari participates
Friday 3 June, 2016
This forum will explore the current directions of critical heritage studies and what makes ACHS distinctive. Panel members will discuss what the term critical means to them, and what directions they would like to see develop in the future. To help develop an open dialogue, the session will also give considerable time to contributions from the audience.
Monday 6 June, 2016
Sessions in which Pedro Paulo Funari attends
Friday 3 June, 2016
Avant de s’appeler le Vieux-Montréal, la vieille ville était le cœur vivant de Montréal habité par l’ensemble de ses classes sociales : riches et pauvres, artisans et hommes politiques, ouvrières et propriétaires fonciers, esclaves et notaires, juges et débardeurs… Le quartier Bonsecours au nord du marché a gardé plus longtemps que tout autre une fonction résidentielle et la présence d’une population de condition modeste. Le circuit explore les commerces, les écoles, les usines, les rues et l...
Welcome addresses and cocktail, followed by the Concordia Signature Event "The Garden of the Grey Nuns". As the opening ceremony and cocktail take place in the former Grey Nuns' Motherhouse, recycled into campus residence and reading rooms by Concordia University, delegates will also have the possibility to discover the video Three Grey Nuns (3 minutes, by Ron Rudin and Phil Lichti. Three Grey Nuns recount their memories of communal life in the Grey Nun’s Motherhouse. Built...
Sunday 5 June, 2016
Tuesday 7 June, 2016
The closing dinner of the conference, called “Pawâ” according to a French-Canadian tradition borrowed from the Native American lexicon, will be an opportunity to discover, in the heart of the Old Port of Montreal, an original culinary creation by the caterer Agnus Dei, from the renowned Maison Cartier-Besson in Montreal, leader in its field for its boundless creativity and event expertise. The dinner, in the form of stations, will offer delegates an exploration of Quebecois culinary heritage,...