Architect, Adjunct Professor at the School of Civil Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano and researcher at UNIMED (Mediterranean Universities Union) on urban studies in the fields of Mediterranean and Middle East.
In 2006, she graduated in Architecture and in 2012 achieved her PhD in Architecture Composition with a thesis on territorial transformations and the different settlement processes that occurred during the last century in the Eastern Mediterranean context, particularly in Palestine and Israel.
Her research activity, conducted both independently and through working with students, is focused primarily on issues related to the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
In 2012, she won through public competition an annual research grant as Research Fellow at the Politecnico di Milano, titled “Urban and Territorial Planning, the phenomena of landscape transformation”.
She discusses her research topics at numerous national and international conferences in various countries, including Libya, Israel, Jordan, the West Bank, Turkey, England. Author of several papers periodically published on books and scientific journals. Currently she is working on research projects in Israel and Palestine, as well as in other areas of the Near and Middle East.
At the Macro town planning Lab of the Politecnico di Milano (PLANIS) she is researcher in the fields of urban planning and design, landscape, mobility and territorial transformations, operating in different areas, also including China and Pakistan, where she went for research projects commissioned by the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Huizhou (province of Guangdong, Cina) and by the Municipal Bureau of Multan City (province of Punjab, Pakistan).
Co-Tutor of several Master Degree projects concerning the sphere of Mediterranean port cities; teaching assistant in several courses, including Cities and Region analysis, Culture of Urban Project, Human Geography.
She works as a freelancer in some studies of architecture, urban mobility and planning, having also collaborated in the design for Road & transportation Masterplan in Gaza and the West Bank, funded by The European Union (Systematica advice at Spa).
Main publications:
22. 2015 | Book
A. Terenzi, Traveling across cultures, landscapes and architecture: from Jaffa to Jerusalem. Araba Fenice, Boves. A. Terenzi (edited by). Forthcoming November 2015.
21. 2015 | Journal Article
A. Terenzi, Landscape revolutions In Palestine: between massive migration flows and new economic structures. In: Museums in Motion. Forthcoming 2015.
20. 2015 | Journal Article
A. Terenzi, In Palestina lungo le vie carovaniere. Tra paesaggi consolidati e rivoluzioni
Insediative. In: eikonocity numero uno, anno 2015 - ISSN: 1942-5120 online DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2014.982334
19. 2015 | Journal Article
A. Terenzi, Urban & Spatial Development in Glocal Palestine: The Case of Rawabi. Journal of Engineering and Architecture. January, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 01-10. ISSN: 2334-2986 (Print), 2334-2994 (Online). http://jea-net.com/index.php/search/results/jea
18. 2014 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi, Jaffa & Tel Aviv nell’iconografia storica: da Sposa del Mare a Città Bianca. In: Alfredo Buccaro, Cesare de Seta (edited by). Città mediterranee in trasformazione. Identità e immagine del paesaggio urbano tra Sette e Novecento. pp. 877-888. A. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. Napoli, 2014. ISBN: 9788849528145.
17. 2014 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi, C. De Martino. Israele e il risveglio Arabo. In: R. Iannuzzi (edited by). Geopolitica del collasso. Iran, Siria e Medio Oriente nel contesto della crisi globale. pp. 119-141. Castelvecchi Editore. Roma, 2014. ISBN-13: 9788868261290.
16. 2014 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Editor and author of all Geopolitical Maps of the Atlas (18 drawings). In: R. Iannuzzi (edited by). Geopolitica del collasso. Iran, Siria e Medio Oriente nel contesto della crisi globale. pp. 347-377. Castelvecchi Editore. Roma, 2014. ISBN-13: 9788868261290.
15. 2014 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi, S. Camolese, V. Donato. Studies and Documentation on Tourism, Mapping of Historical Hot Spot in Multan Walled City. In: A. Del Bo, D. Bignami (edited by). Sustainable Social, Economic & Environmental Revitalization in Multan City. A Multidisciplinary Italian–Pakistani Project. pp. 43-56. Springer Int. Publishing, Switzerland, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-02116-4.
14. 2014 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi, S. Camolese, V. Donato. Traffic Analysis and Solutions. In: A. Del Bo, D. Bignami (edited by). Sustainable Social, Economic & Environmental Revitalization in Multan City. A Multidisciplinary Italian–Pakistani Project. pp. 199-210. Springer Int. Publishing, Switzerland, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-02116-4.
13. 2014 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Identity and Landscape along the way from Jaffa to Jerusalem. In: AA.VV. Cities in Transformation. pp.1266-1277. Il Poligrafo, Padova, 2014. ISBN: 978-88-7115-829-7. http://emma.polimi.it/emma/events/eaae_arcc2012/attachments/libro%20temi_def.pdf
12. 2013 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Le molteplici identità di un luogo: invenzioni storiche e memorie a confronto. In: C. De Martino (edited by). Su Gerusalemme. Strategie di controllo urbano. pp. 39-56. Castelvecchi Editore, Roma, 2013. ISBN 978-88-7615-972-5.
11. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Lo Stadio Olimpico di Londra. In: Da un’idea di Renzo Piano, Almanacco dell'Architetto. Costruire l'Architettura. Vol. 2. p. 1011. Proctor Edizioni. Bologna, 2012. ISBN 978-88-902-4670-8.
10. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. La Stazione Ponte SBB Basel di Basilea. In: Da un’idea di Renzo Piano, Almanacco dell'Architetto. Costruire l'Architettura. Vol. 2. p. 1012. Proctor Edizioni. Bologna, 2012. ISBN 978-88-902-4670-8.
9. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Il Terminal 4 dell’Aereoporto di Barajas. In: Da un’idea di Renzo Piano, Almanacco dell'Architetto. Costruire l'Architettura. Vol. 2. pp. 1014-1015. Proctor Edizioni. Bologna, 2012. ISBN 978-88-902-4670-8.
8. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Le stazioni per biciclette. In: Da un’idea di Renzo Piano, Almanacco dell'Architetto. Costruire l'Architettura. Vol. 2. pp. 1028-1029. Proctor Edizioni. Bologna, 2012. ISBN 978-88-902-4670-8.
7. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Porti di Terrasanta. In: C. Pallini, S. Recalcati (edited by). Città Porto: Matrici, Architetture, Scenari. pp. 111-126. Quaderni di Architettura del Paesaggio. Libraccio. Milano, 2012. ISBN 978-88-97748-15-1.
6. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi, M. Baggio, U. Bloise, V. Donato, G. Grassi, R. Pugno, S. Recalcati. Il quadro urbanistico. Report del comitato tecnico della Scuola di Architettura Civile. In: S. Protasoni (edited by). Milano scali ferroviari. pp. 123-130. Libraccio, Milano, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-97748-20-5.
5. 2012 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi, M. Baggio, U. Bloise, V. Donato, G. Grassi, R. Pugno, S. Recalcati. Grande Milano o Città Lombardia? In: S. Protasoni (edited by). Milano scali ferroviari. pp. 96-99. Libraccio, Milano, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-97748-20-5.
4. 2011 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Civilisation processes over the long period of time: Lydda and Ramleh. In: A. Dolkart, O.M. Al Gohari, S. Rab (edited by). Conservation of Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature & Landscape. Vol. 1. pp. 73-89. CSAAR Press. Amman, Jordan, 2011. ISBN: 978-9957-540-05-0.
3. 2011 | Conference proceedings
A. Terenzi. From Jaffa to Jerusalem: religious precints and commercial structures. In: AA.VV. Old City of Hebron. Civilization, Cultural & Historical. pp. 64-75. HRC: Hebron Rehabilitation Committee; Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC; Hebron, Palestine. Conference on the Development and Economic Revival of Historic City Centers, Hebron, 19-21 July 2011.
2. 2010 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. The inner ports of Lydda and Ramleh: architecture and cultural identity. In: S.T.E. Ozkan, B.Z. Cakmakli, F. Summers (edited by). Ist International Graduate Research Symposium on the Built Environment. Vol. 1. pp. 243-248. METU, Middle East Technical University. Ankara, Turkey, 2010. ISBN: 978-975-429-285-5.
1. 2009 | Book chapter
A. Terenzi. Planning in Areas of Political Conflict: Eradication of Collective Memory. In: S. Fortea, J.A. Qawasmi (edited by). Sustainable Architecture & Urban Development. Vol 1. pp. 61-77. CSAAR Press. Amman, Jordan, 2009. ISBN: 978-9957-8602-9-5.
Sessions in which Alessandra Terenzi participates
Monday 6 June, 2016
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