Simon Bradley
Sessions in which Simon Bradley participates
Monday 6 June, 2016
In recent years, there has been a great deal of debate surrounding so-called ruin gazing and the politics of representing industrial or urban ruination. Recent years have seen photographers, artists, film-makers, urban explorers, scholars and others flood into newly deindustrialized areas to record signs of ruins and abandonment, prompting a public backlash against the hipster commodification of misery. Some have gone so far as to call the voyeuristic appeal of industrial or urban ruinatio...
In a collaborative and image-rich conversational presentation, “Teaching/Learning/Living Post-Industrial Ecologies” outlines the potentials and problematics of “The Right to the City,” a multi-year transdisciplinary curriculum initiative that brings graduate and undergraduate students from Concordia University to Montreal’s historic South West borough. Through our tethered teaching, four professors have asked, “what does it change for the university to teach/learn on-site with the resident...
Sessions in which Simon Bradley attends
Tuesday 7 June, 2016
Cities are growingly being faced by social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges imposing health and social risks. Rapid urbanization, population growth, climate change are only some of the major global challenges that a 21st century city needs to respond to. The current challenging global environment has led to the development of new approaches to the concept of "sustainable city" a city that caters for current and future generation. For instance, the idea of smart city (a city th...
What is the future of the UK and what is the role of heritage in this shifting political landscape? How have debates on heritage in the UK changed since the influential critiques of Hewison and Wright in the 1980s? How can those engaged in Critical Heritage Studies in the UK negotiate the difficult relationship between academic critique and sector relevance? How do current debates in the UK relate to and differ from those in Western and non-Western contexts? This workshop will bring ...
Wednesday 8 June, 2016
||| Les Mohawks constituent la nation amérindienne la plus nombreuse parmi les dix différentes nations que compte le Québec. La nation mohawk compte près de 17 350 habitants. Il y en a 2 700 qui vivent hors réserve et les autres sont dispersés dans trois grandes communautés que sont : Kanesatake, Akwasasne et Kahnawà :ke. Située à proximité de Montréal, sur la rive sud du fleuve Saint-Laurent, la communauté de Kahnawà :ke compte près de 7 300 habitants. Elle est parmi les première...