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09.00  From Sports Fields to Battlefields: Destruction and Reconstruction of the Olympic Heritage in Sarajevo since 1992

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9:00, Monday 6 Jun 2016 (30 minutes)

This paper will look at architectural and urban transformations of the Olympic heritage in Sarajevo during and after the siege of 1992-1995. It will analyze spatial, physical and discursive effects of its wartime destruction and post-war reconstruction using methods of spatial ethnography, morphological mapping and discourse analysis. The paper will argue that the wartime violence against the Olympic heritage operated as a means of socio-spatial reconfiguration of Sarajevo from a multi-ethnic city to an ethnically segregated place. Despite its potential to trigger the re-establishment of the city’s multi-ethnic mix, the post-war transformation of the Olympic heritage indicates that Sarajevo’s ethnic division persists.

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