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Memories of Resistance in Favela Museums and its Suburbs: Revitalisation and Spectacularization of Urban Centres

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15:00, Thursday 5 Nov 2015 (30 minutes)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Centro de Convençoes
In the 21st century were created, in Brazil, museums in slums and periphery. This movement of musealization inserted in community life enhances the historical awareness of the time layers and their significance, entailing new forms of belonging, revealing the sociocultural diversity of cities, and highlighting the fight for the right to the city in the (re)conquest of territories that, in remote times, were quilombos, and subsequently housing options for workers who helped to build the modern urban centres. The research place is the Museum of Urban Quilombos and Slums (MUQUIFU) from particleboard Santa Lúcia, in the south-central region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The creation of the museum was motivated by the disappearance, following an urban renewal project, of two of the five villages that make up the particleboard. The mapping of museums converges from a perspective of social museology toward historiography and contemporary pedagogy, examining the foundations of multi- and intercultural education.

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