Saturday 27 April, 2024
Amalia Kotsaki, professor at the Technical University of Crete, is chairing this session devoted to the rediscovery of neglected territories, both in the spatial and symbolic sense. Taking into account heritages hitherto little explored by tourism is creating original heritage dynamics that the presenters in this session are keen to explore. Kallipoli Rapti describes action research into the tourism ...
Lucie K. Morisset, professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal, chairs this two-part session on post-colonialism. The patrimonialization of colonial legacies raises the question of the survival of processes of domination over time, and of the reappropriation by local communities of some of these legacies. François Jeandillou provides an historical analysis of the construction of heritage in the Ne...
Maria Gravari-Barbas, professor at Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne, addresses the question of heritage and tourism on the margins, in tension or emerging. Gustavo Bosquette examines the tourism and heritage aspects of a tragic event in Brazil, the collapse of the Brumadinho dam, which claimed 272 lives. Yannick Vialette examines the heritage of scientific legacies in the tourism of mountain area...