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In-community session: Walking Post-Industrial Areas

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9:00, Monday 6 Jun 2016 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Salon Laurette - Salon Laurette
Heritage Changes PlaceCo-Construction and Community Based HeritageIndustrial HeritageOral HistoryUrban HeritagePublic event
Heritage changes placeCo-construction of heritageCommunity-based heritageHeritage makers

In recent years, there has been a great deal of debate surrounding so-called ruin gazing and the politics of representing industrial or urban ruination. Recent years have seen photographers, artists, film-makers, urban explorers, scholars and others flood into newly deindustrialized areas to record signs of ruins and abandonment, prompting a public backlash against the hipster commodification of misery. Some have gone so far as to call the voyeuristic appeal of industrial or urban ruination a form of “ruin-porn”, urging researchers and artists to engage with the people who continue to live in and with ruination. What accounts for their invisibility? Historian Jackie Clarke suggests that new forms of working-class invisibility have emerged since the 1980s. She uses the term invisibility to “signal not total disappearance, but various forms of marginalisation, occlusion and disqualification.” 

This cross-disciplinary session will explore the ethical and political stance of researchers and artists who have created memory-based audio or art walks that engage with the post-industrial transformation of our cities. How does in-situ listening and curated feeling change the experience of walking through these areas? Does it contribute to or counter the wider aestheticization of rubble into picturesque ruin? What are the underlying politics of these public initiatives? How well do these walks make visible or challenge power? In responding to these questions, participants in this round table will consider the potential of audio and art walking as critical heritage practice in the aftermath of deindustrialization.  

Who's Attending

Kaitlin Wainwright
Director of Programming
Heritage Toronto
Michelle Bélanger
Membre du conseil d'administration
Association québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel
Dr. Cynthia Scott
Independent Historian and Heritage Scholar
Dr Yiping Dong
Department of Architecture, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Professor Edward Little
Concordia University
Bella Dicks
Professor of Sociology
Dr. Diego Rotman
Da'at Hamakom Research Center
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Yaryna Yuryk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Thomas Renard
université de Nantes
t s Beall
Artist and Collaborative Doctoral Award recipient
University of Glasgow and The Riverside Museum, Glasgow Museums
Ms Lucy Brown
Scottish Oral History Centre
Lea Vene
curator, researcher
Gray Area
Dr Ioana Szeman
University of Roehampton
Dr Andrew Flinn
Reader in Archival Studies and Oral History
Ms Jessica Douthwaite
PhD candidate
University of Strathclyde
Dr Stuart Jeffrey
Glasgow School of Art
Prof Sian Jones
Professor of Environmental History and Heritage
University of Stirling
Jana Golombek
PhD Candidate
Pauline Jurado Barroso
Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Etienne
Ms Katie Markham
dr Riemer Knoop
reinwardt academie / gordion cultureel advies
Miléna Kartowski-Aïach
PhD Candidate
Aix Marseille University - Idemec
Ms Vivian Legname Barbour
Master's Candidate
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Dr Shelley Ruth Butler
Lecturer & Principal, Curatorial Dreams: Creative Workshops for Museum and Heritage Professionals, Researchers, and Community Groups
McGill University, Institute for the Study of Canada
Prof. Michel Rautenberg
université jean monnet

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