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Heritage on stage: the case of the Show Som e Luz (Sound and Lights) in São Miguel das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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17:00, Jeudi 5 Nov 2015 (30 minutes)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Centro de Convençoes
The city of São Miguel das Missões in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul possesses a series of architectural ruins of one of the Jesuit-Guaraní settlements founded in the region in the 17th and 18th centuries. The ruins of São Miguel were officially declared as National Heritage in 1938, and were consecrated as World Heritage in 1983 by UNESCO. In 1978 the show Som e Luz (Sound and Light) was created on the site of the ruins. The show tells a version of the history of the Jesuit mission by illuminating the ruins with a light show and accompanying narration interpreted by Brazilian actors. In analyzing the content of the show, presented every evening at the historic site, it is evident that it has become a tool to transmit a memory that is intended to be collective. The show, which was a product of efforts to foment tourism in the area, also became a regional reference as regards heritage and identity.

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