Boris Cvitanic D.
Architect (University of Concepción, Chile, 2002), Master in Theory and History of Architecture (2013), and Doctor in Architectural Projects (2010) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain). Academic at University of Magallanes´s Department of Architecture. Associate Researcher of the Conicyt Anillos Soc1403 project (2014–2017). Leads the Fondecyt Regular project Nº1200469 (2020–2023) Oil industry in Chile: territory, city and architecture. Construction of a national dimension industrial heritage. Author of articles and book chapters related to heritage and history of architecture in the Magallanes Region.
Sessions auxquelles Boris Cvitanic D. participe
Mardi 30 Août, 2022
Sessions auxquelles Boris Cvitanic D. assiste
Dimanche 28 Août, 2022
Joignez-vous aux organisateurs du congrès et aux membres du board de TICCIH pour un cocktail de bienvenue et quelques mots festifs de présentation, dans l’ancienne forge de l’École technique de Montréal, fondée en 1909, aujourd’hui intégrée au campus de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
Lundi 29 Août, 2022
Si la vallée du canal de Lachine a été le berceau de l’industrialisation canadienne, la géographie industrielle métropolitaine ne s’y est pas confinée, peu s’en faut, Outre les grandes concentrations d’entreprises des quartiers centraux, elle est constituée des réseaux infrastructuraux, d’une douzaine de centrales hydroélectriques et des ensembles manufacturiers disséminés dans une quinzaine de petites villes aujourd’hui intégrées dans l’aire métropolitaine. La conférence proposera un surv...
Mardi 30 Août, 2022
This session focuses on company towns from the perspective of urban planning. “Company towns” are here defined as single-enterprise planned communities, usually centered around a single industry, where a company commissions an urban plan, builds housing for its workers, and sets up recreational, commercial, institutional or community facilities. While these are now endangered by a second wave of deindustrialization, we observe that, aside studies or monographs of individual towns that popu...
After 25 years of the launching of the first Latin American Industrial Heritage's organizations (México, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Perú, Colombia, Brasil, Uruguay, Guatemala, Ecuador) we propose a general balance of the state of the art in the region and the future of the conservation and retooling of the industrial heritage in the covid19 aftermath. This regular session highlights four axes of discussion and comparative studies: 1) The legal framework of the policies of conservat...
This session focuses on company towns from the perspective of urban planning. “Company towns” are here defined as single-enterprise planned communities, usually centered around a single industry, where a company commissions an urban plan, builds housing for its workers, and sets up recreational, commercial, institutional or community facilities. While these are now endangered by a second wave of deindustrialization, we observe that, aside studies or monographs of individual towns that popu...
Pays continent, dont l’industrialisation s’est amorcée dès le 19e siècle, le Canada a vu à la faveur entre autres de la désindustrialisation et de la requalification urbaine, des pans importants de son patrimoine industriel être altérés ou encore détruits. Cela étant dit, même ainsi, il n’en demeure pas moins que ce pays possède encore aujourd’hui un patrimoine industriel significatif. Or, le Canada étant une confédération, la protection et la sauvegarde de cet héritage industri...
After 25 years of the launching of the first Latin American Industrial Heritage's organizations (México, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Perú, Colombia, Brasil, Uruguay, Guatemala, Ecuador) we propose a general balance of the state of the art in the region and the future of the conservation and retooling of the industrial heritage in the covid19 aftermath. This regular session highlights four axes of discussion and comparative studies: 1) The legal framework of the policies of conservat...
Mercredi 31 Août, 2022
L’activité industrielle est un puissant facteur de concentration de population. En témoignent les sites antiques ou médiévaux étudiés par les historiens, souvent proches des mines, des carrières ou des chantiers de construction. À partir du XVIIIe siècle, cependant, avec les premiers développements industriels, des liens forts se tissent entre les usines et diverses formes d’urbanisation. De la variété de rapports que construit l’industrie avec la ville ou, plus largement, avec les lieux d...
L’architecture est souvent conçue comme un art consistant à dessiner, sous une forme relativement abstraite (significativement nommée « projet ») des structures destinées à abriter les activités humaines. Toutefois, les créations architecturales sont étroitement dépendantes des matériaux sous-jacents ; d’un côté, les matériaux disponibles contraignent subrepticement l’espace des possibles ; de l’autre, l’introduction de nouveaux matér...
In this lecture, I would like to talk about deindustrialised communities, heritage and memory in the context of right-wing populism. Drawing on studies of memory and heritage, I argue that right-wing populists have cornered the market on talking about the past of deindustrialised communities. They have successfully misrepresented this rich and complex history to fuel rage, resentment, fear and reactionary nostalgia. Indeed, ‘the past’, and in particular the industr...
Jeudi 1 Septembre, 2022
This session will bring together four specialists in the history of the production of oil and petroleum, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy, to debate the distinct as well as shared issues around the study and protection of their industrial heritage. The history of energy production is characterized by groundbreaking technological advances and achievements, enormous technological, social and environmental consequences, and the evolution of distinctive landscapes and communiti...
This lecture will argue that the landscapes of industrial heritage that can be found in different parts of the world are directly related to the place-specific trajectories of deindustrialization. In other words: the different ways in which deindustrialization impacts on local communities has a direct bearing on the emergence of forms of industrial heritage. I will differentialte between deindustrialization paths and related industrial heritage regimes in a) Anglo-...
Vendredi 2 Septembre, 2022
In the refusal of people in communities abandoned by industrial capital to abandon their own places, we can read an implicit critique of the mobility and unaccountability of capital, raised by those who were once inside (however tenuously or uncomfortably) and now find themselves marginalized, “left behind.” The desire to catch up again, whether through attracting new investment or transvaluing abandoned sites as tourist attractions, makes this an essentially conservative critique that is ...