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Chloe Hutchison

Town of Hudson, Quebec

Sessions auxquelles Chloe Hutchison assiste

Dimanche 28 Août, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
7:45 - 16:00 | 8 heures 15 minutes

Cet itinéraire d'une journée, le jour de l'inauguration du congrès, permettra aux visiteurs de découvrir Exporail à Saint-Constant, la Centrale hydroélectrique de Beauharnois et le 

17:00 - 19:00 | 2 heures

Joignez-vous aux organisateurs du congrès et aux membres du board de TICCIH pour un cocktail de bienvenue et quelques mots festifs de présentation, dans l’ancienne forge de l’École technique de Montréal, fondée en 1909, aujourd’hui intégrée au campus de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.

Lundi 29 Août, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:30 - 10:00 | 30 minutes
10:30 - 11:00 | 30 minutes
11:00 - 12:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes

This session presents case studies and policy reviews that contribute to ongoing debate and international dialogue on the role of planning systems and conservation practices in addressing the challenges of citizen engagement—conserving local interests, place attachments alongside physical remnants of industrial heritage. Over the past half century, we have witnessed the development and changing focuses of urban planning and conservation discourses addressing industrial heritage. Relevant p...

12:30 - 13:30 | 1 heure
13:30 - 15:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes

This session is about the “hard facts” of conservation. It aims to draw together technical knowledge from related fields. Industrial conservation specialists rely on specialised knowledge and may sometimes not be aware that there is expertise and proven good or best practice in related fields. The transferring of knowledge from related engineering, construction preservation and architectural conservation specialists can serve the purpose of promoting and securing future preservation of ...

Mardi 30 Août, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 - 10:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes

This session focuses on company towns from the perspective of urban planning. “Company towns” are here defined as single-enterprise planned communities, usually centered around a single industry, where a company commissions an urban plan, builds housing for its workers, and sets up recreational, commercial, institutional or community facilities. While these are now endangered by a second wave of deindustrialization, we observe that, aside studies or monographs of individual towns that popu...

10:30 - 11:00 | 30 minutes
11:00 - 12:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes

It is widely accepted that understanding a historic place is a critical first step to guide subsequent management and conservation. Industrial sites present a number of challenges as understanding their form, function, design, boundaries, and conservation often requires a high degree of technical expertise and experience. In Canada, gaining this expertise and information sharing is hampered by a limited number of institutions offering training in industrial archaeology and the lack of a na...

11:00 - 12:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes

Drawing on case studies from diverse social, cultural, and political contexts the papers in this session discuss the different responses to maintaining and assessing not only the physical sustainability of industrial heritage but also the sustainability of its social values and meaning.

12:30 - 13:30 | 1 heure
13:30 - 15:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes

Pays continent, dont l’industrialisation s’est amorcée dès le 19e siècle, le Canada a vu à la faveur entre autres de la désindustrialisation et de la requalification urbaine, des pans importants de son patrimoine industriel être altérés ou encore détruits. Cela étant dit, même ainsi, il n’en demeure pas moins que ce pays possède encore aujourd’hui un patrimoine industriel significatif. Or, le Canada étant une confédération, la protection et la sauvegarde de cet héritage industri...

15:00 - 15:30 | 30 minutes

Mercredi 31 Août, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
13:00 - 19:00 | 6 heures

Le canal de Soulanges est une infrastructure, localisée sur la rive nord du Saint-Laurent, qui a été ouverte au trafic maritime en 1900, succédant alors au « vieux canal » de Beauharnois (établi depuis 1843 sur la rive nord du Saint-Laurent). Le canal de Soulanges a été abandonné en 1959, alors que s’ouvrait l’actuelle Voie maritime du Saint-Laurent qui relie les Grands Lacs à l’Atlantique. La conception du canal de Soulanges est due à l’ingénieur Thomas Monro (1831-1...

Sponsorisé par:

Jeudi 1 Septembre, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 - 10:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes

Transportation and distribution have served as the secondary component to significant industrial expansion after energy and power transformed modes of production.  Expanding production permitted increases in output demanding a means to both bring new materials into industrialized regions and export products to markets. Canals and shipping provided the earliest forms of bulk transportation but were limited by capacity, geography, and envir...

10:30 - 11:00 | 30 minutes
11:00 - 12:30 | 1 heure 30 minutes

Transportation and distribution have served as the secondary component to significant industrial expansion after energy and power transformed modes of production.  Expanding production permitted increases in output demanding a means to both bring new materials into industrialized regions and export products to markets. Canals and shipping provided the earliest forms of bulk transportation but were limited by capacity, geography, and envir...

Vendredi 2 Septembre, 2022

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
15:30 - 17:00 | 1 heure 30 minutes

In the refusal of people in communities abandoned by industrial capital to abandon their own places, we can read an implicit critique of the mobility and unaccountability of capital, raised by those who were once inside (however tenuously or uncomfortably) and now find themselves marginalized, “left behind.” The desire to catch up again, whether through attracting new investment or transvaluing abandoned sites as tourist attractions, makes this an essentially conservative critique that is ...

Cathy Stanton

18:30 - 21:30 | 3 heures

Venez échanger sur les bons moments du congrès et célébrer vos découvertes scientifiques et professionnelles dans une ancienne fabrique de confiture de fruits, l’Usine C, construite en 1913 et transformée à la fin des années 1970 en lieu de création et de diffusion.Découvrez la gastronomie montréalaise grâce à un traiteur d’exception. Apprenez des bribes du patrimoine musical montréalais et de l’histoire du quartier industriel qui lui a prêté vie. Puis entendez et vivez la tradition...