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Film Series: Mill Stories: Remembering Sparrows Point Steel Mill

Decorative image for session Film Series: Mill Stories: Remembering Sparrows Point Steel Mill

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19:00, Lundi 6 Juin 2016 (35 minutes)
Public event
Directed by William Shewbridge and Michelle Stefano
USA; 35 mins

Presented by Michelle Stefano
After 125 years of operation, the Sparrows Point Steel Mill (Baltimore, Maryland) finally closed its doors in 2012. The film, “Mill Stories”, examines the importance of the mill from the perspectives of former workers and community members while connecting their story to the larger narrative of industrial boom and bust. The film seeks to amplify the voices of former workers as a means of helping to safeguard and promote the living heritage of the mill and its surrounding areas. Combining video interviews and archival images, the film tells the story entirely in workers’ own words, sharing their sacrifices, struggles, senses of community and identity. “Mill Stories” has been screened at over 20 international film festivals, academic conferences, and local community events, as well as recently being honored as a Bronze Winner by the 37th Annual Telly Awards.
The film was co-produced by Bill Shewbridge and Michelle Stefano. Shewbridge is Professor of the Practice in the Department of Media and Communication Studies and Executive Producer of the New Media Studio at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Dr. Michelle Stefano is Co-Director of Maryland Traditions, the folklife program of the Maryland State Arts Council, and Visiting Assistant Professor in American Studies at UMBC.

2016 Ethnografilm Festival Official Selection - Paris, March 29-31, 2016

To view the trailer, please visit:
The Film Series is sponsored by the Department of American Studies of the University of Maryland and the Association of Critical Heritage Studies United States Chapter

Personnes inscrites

Dominique Schoeni
Anthropologue et muséographe
Laboratório de Etnografia Metropolitana (LeMetro) IFCS - UFRJ (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro)
Eman Shokry Hesham
PhD Candidate
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus- Senftenberg, Germany
Gisèle Gantois
Architect MSc in Conservation, Lecturer, PhD Candidate
Department of Architecture
Kathryn Sampeck
Illinois State University
Lisa Rogers
Deakin University
Ms Lucy Brown
Scottish Oral History Centre
Nan Kim
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Sahar Khoshnood
PhD Candidate at Graduate School of Urban Studies (URBANgrad)
TU Darmstadt
Dr. Stephanie Doyle-Lerat
université de Nantes
t s Beall
Artist and Collaborative Doctoral Award recipient
University of Glasgow and The Riverside Museum, Glasgow Museums
Yaryna Yuryk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Candace Iron
Professor of Arts & Humanities; Program Coordinator - Liberal Studies
Humber College
Patrick Giromini
PhD Candidate
Prof. Huimei Liu
Zhejiang University, Institute of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies; Asian Pacific Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure
Kimberly Berg
State University of New York at Albany
Loredana Bruma
Rhabillage Association
Mathieu Fribault
EHESS Paris / Centre Norbert Elias
Ellen Schrumpf
University College of Southeast-Norway
Dr Stefan Moitra
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM)
Yves Schoonjans
Department of Architecture, KU Leuven, Belgium
Bilge Kose
PhD Candidate
Middle East Technical University
Dr Yiping Dong
Department of Architecture, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Rebecca Sciarra
Cultural Heritage Specialist and Manager of Business Development
Tanya Southcott
McGill University
Dr Marie-Blanche Fourcade
Cheffe conservation et expositions (MHM) et professeure associée (UQAM)
Musée de l'Holocauste Montréal et UQAM
Mathieu Dormaels Ph.D.
Professeur associé
Université du Québec à Montréal
Dr Jessica Mace
Chercheure postdoctorale
University of Toronto
Prof. Philippe Dubé
Professeur titulaire
Pr-Dr Florence Hachez-Leroy
Maîtresse de conférences, HDR
Université d'Artois
Ms Vivian Legname Barbour
Master's Candidate
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Prof. William Nitzky
Assistant Professor
California State University Chico, Department of Anthropology, United States
Dr Vanessa Guéno
Institut Français du Proche Orient, Jordanie
Dr Robyn Clinch
Heritage planner
University of Melbourne
Felix Burgos
Doctoral Candidate Language, Literacy, and Culture Program
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Sharon Roseman
Professor of Anthropology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Professor Gyooho Lee
Professor of Law
Chung-Ang University School of Law (Seoul, South Korea)
Andreas Antelid
Center for Critical Heritage Studies, Heritage Academy
Dr. Eugenio Van Maanen
Education | Research | Consultancy
NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Dr Katiana Le Mentec
CNRS (France)
Tessa Pijnaker
University of Amsterdan
Dr Gabriella Olshammar
University of Gothenburg
Caecilia Alexandre
PhD Student
Université Laval, Université de Montréal, Faculté de Droit
Zara Fournier
Phd candidate in geography
Université François Rabelais Tours
Ms Iezora Edwards
The University of the West Indies
Professor Alexandra Bounia
University of the Aegean
Dr. A. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz
Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University
1 autre(s)

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